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Introducing Deed Counter: An App for Tracking Your Life Stats


Staff member
Mar 22, 2024
Reaction score
There is an important principle you need to remember in managing your life: “What get measured, get managed.” It means that to get something managed, first you need to measure it. Only by measuring it can you get the facts to make informed decisions.

Deed Counter is an iOS app that helps you track your life stats. You can use it to count things in your life and store the stats for your future reference.

For instance, you can use it to track how many glasses of water you drink, how many push-ups you do, how many books you read, and so on. If you want to manage a certain area of your life and it can be counted, then you can use Deed Counter to do it.

Try it for free. If you like it, you can then upgrade the app to the full version.
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